Find a Cheap Virtual Assistant For One-Dollar Per Hour - $1
Cheap virtual assistant - It’s simple to find a cheap VA (virtual assitant) whose salary is $1 per hour. Luckily, cheap does not refer to the grade of the work just the hourly rates. People a new comer to working as a Va usually set their rates low to draw in clients. These rates are usually available in countries with low average annual incomes.
Transparency of Va Rates
To find a cheap va, hire virtual assistants from companies who post what every individual virtual assistant salary is. Doing a google search for “virtual assistant companies” will yield a long list for you to select from.
Select companies whose va rates are transparent - you can see it on the screen. If you have to call to get a rate, move on. It is best if you can see rates on your screen.
Select companies who provide a filter for you to search results by va rates. After you have selected the kind of virtual assistant you are looking to hire, e.g. an author, you would then apply the filter to select a VA who's charging the lowest rate possible rate.
No User Feedback
Because you will be working with new virtual assistants, you may be their first client, hence they may not have any work history or user feedback. This last point is important to note. If you apply a filter to return results to you for virtual assistants who have user feedback scores, you'll reduce the number of candidates to select from. I recommend not selecting user feedback or setting it to the lowest possible feedback, e.g “any” feedback score. This will yield a list of those who have no user feedback to - the best user feedback scores.
Because the virtual assistant salary you will be paying is so low, you really can afford to hire several candidates and put them through a test to discount the best candidates. Paying a minimal hourly rate reduces your immediate out-of-pocket expense and enables you to find great candidates without breaking your bank.
Paying $1 each hour will be great, initially. However, time will come when you ask yourself, how can this person survive on only $1 per hour. At this point, you may want to revamp your research to inquire much more about the country where you are hiring your virtual assistants. Discover what the average annual salary is and back your way into a Fair hourly Virtual Assistant Salary. Thereafter, make adjustments for that industry in which you are hiring. This research will transform your visit a cheap virtual assistant to some one who is cost-efficient.
For suggestions on which companies offer the best one-stop-shopping experience for cheap virtual assistants, visit:, a website dedicated to people a new comer to hiring virtual assistants.